Know The Bills and Take Action

Moving into our 5th year, we will continue to lobby for legislation that positively impacts our children’s health and their right to an education.

Federal Legislation

2024 Legislation

  • H.R.1425 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

    This bill establishes that any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly (WHA) pursuant to a specified negotiating body shall be deemed to be a treaty requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.

    Specifically, this bill applies to any international instrument negotiated by the intergovernmental negotiating body established by the WHA in December 2021 to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

    S.Res. 81 - World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Implementation Resolution

    This resolution prohibits any international agreement that is drafted by the World Health Organization and relates to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response from legally binding the United States unless the Senate ratifies the agreement as a treaty. The bill also outlines requirements for negotiating and ratifying such an agreement.

    Members may object to the consideration of any legislation that implements the agreement until the President submits it to the Senate for ratification.

    S.444 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

    This bill establishes that any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly (WHA) pursuant to a specified negotiating body shall be deemed to be a treaty requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.

  • NYSE Proposal to SEC Regarding Natural Asset Companies (NACS) Federal Legislators Oppose

    On September 27, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) submitted a proposal to the SEC to create a new type of company called a Natural Asset Company (NAC), which would exist to purchase the rights to control public and private land and permanently lock it away from human impact. After an unusually short 21-day public comment period, the SEC is expected to make a decision on January 2. If implemented, the proposal would have a catastrophic effect on rural economies by removing land from productive use. The goal of a NAC is not to make a profit, but rather to maximize the value of the land’s “ecological services.” Energy extraction, modern agriculture, and other economically critical activities would disappear on NAC-protected land.



    Contact SEC to oppose NYSE Proposal to SEC Regarding Natural Asset Companies (NACs)

    On September 27, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) submitted a proposal to the SEC to create a new type of company called a Natural Asset Company (NAC), which would exist to purchase the rights to control public and private land and permanently lock it away from human impact. After an unusually short 21-day public comment period, the SEC is expected to make a decision on January 2. If implemented, the proposal would have a catastrophic effect on rural economies by removing land from productive use. The goal of a NAC is not to make a profit, but rather to maximize the value of the land’s “ecological services.” Energy extraction, modern agriculture, and other economically critical activities would disappear on NAC-protected land.